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língua mãe / MOTHER LANGUAGE


“Língua Mãe”, which gives its name to this ritual meeting, is located on the horizon of an event of the greatest importance that has been spreading throughout Brazil. It is the affirmation of the different indigenous languages ​​in the political dispute over original territories, the object of the violent colonial abduction that founded the country. A kidnapping that was accompanied by the denial of the existence of its original peoples and which, not by chance, included the erasure of their linguistic diversity, which has continued to this day.

The repression of this linguistic diversity is one of the central micropolitical strategies of the colonial abduction of these lands. If indigenous activism contributes to the enrichment of the country's linguistic landscape, it also denounces the persistent action of the Brazilian State in erasing these linguistic memories, confronting its transgenic violence that affects the ground and bodies. A song, a gesture, the expression of a word, the song-word have their origin in affection: they are expressions of the mother tongue. Putting them into circulation brings to light other ways of living and denounces the scoundrel patriarchy that justifies structural racism: it is thus revealed that linguistic monoculture is a project, and not the mere consequence of the colonial history that founded Brazilian society .

It is no surprise that UNESCO established the period from 2022 to 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, recognizing that these languages ​​hold ancestral knowledge about their territories, about healing processes, about the forest and are instruments for combating the climate crisis. . →

Curatorship:  Ailton Krenak, Andreia Duarte and Suely Rolnik

In Brazil, networks of indigenous linguists alongside their elders revitalize their languages ​​in a broad field: mapping the languages ​​spoken in the daily lives of indigenous communities, paying attention to indigenous sign languages, the theme of Portuguese with the influence of indigenous words and rescuing the dormant languages ​​through different technologies that include, especially, references brought by dreams and rituals.

The colonizing policies of disappearing memory did not count on the power of the indigenous word demarcating the continuity of their modes of production of existence which, as they are driven by the connection with affections, guarantee the creation: the production of a difference in the current social map, whenever life demands you to resume the rhythm in its flow. Occupying this factory, taking its management into your own hands to impose this other micropolitics, is a decisive element in the dispute for the fate of these lands and all their inhabitants, human and non-human. Sharing and putting into dialogue words carrying different experiences to increase their circulation in the veins of the social body, sickened by the colonial language – this is what the ritual meeting Língua Mãe, language that gives birth to worlds, proposes.

May 18 | São Paulo

Museum of Indigenous Cultures

10h - Opening



Instituto Maracá - Cristine Takuá e Carlos Papa (Rio Silveira Indigenous Land, Bertioga - SP)

Before Time Exists - (Artistic performance based on the play of the same name), with Lilly Baniwa (Campinas - SP) 

Presentation with Ailton Krenak (Krenak Indigenous Land, Resplendor - MG )


11h às 13h30 - First meeting

Nhe`e - spirit-words or capsules of "good words"

The first meeting of Língua-mãe brings the presence of representatives of the Guarani people, our territorial hosts. The proposal suggests a discussion about the importance of the Guarani language in the construction of good living and how this practice occurs in the tension of colonial policies that silenced and continue to silence indigenous languages ​​to prevent the affirmation of their power, thus making memory and resistance unfeasible. of these people.





Saulo Guarani (Amba Porã Indigenous Land  - Miracatu, Vale do Ribeira - SP) 

Catarina Cunhã Nymbopy’ruá (Piaçaguera Indigenous Land , Peruíbe - SP) 

Davi Popygua (Jaraguá Indigenous Land , São Paulo - SP)

Moderator:  Carlos Papa (Rio Silveira Indigenous Land , Bertioga - SP).

15h às 17h - Second meeting

Spirit-languages ​​and ancestral technologies in the revitalization of indigenous languages.

The purpose of this meeting is to reflect on the importance of knowledge from indigenous languages ​​in the production of their modes of existence. Evoke the indigenous perspective, from a linguistic point of view, in the context of revitalization networks for dormant languages, as well as showing how these works are carried out using methodologies, mappings, records and technologies based, especially, on dreams, rituals and spirit-languages.




Ana ⁠Suelly (University of Brasilia - UNB - BSB)

Altaci Kokama (General Coordination of Articulation of Indigenous Educational Policies of the Department of Indigenous Languages ​​and Memories of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples - BSB)

Anari Pataxó (Member of the Pataxó - Atxohã Research Group and the National GT for the Decade of Indigenous Languages ​​Brazil - MG)
Moderator: Cristine Takuá (Rio Silveira Indigenous Land, Bertioga - SP).

17h às 18h

Greetings from the Masters of Knowledge of the Museum of Indigenous Cultures

Masters of Knowledge will say a greeting in their own language, ending the day with a song and a circle with the public.

Free entry with advance booking at Sympla.

May 19 | São Paulo

Museum of Indigenous Cultures

10h às 12h - Third Meeting

A foot in the world another in the native village: indigenous people in urban situation

In this conversation, we intend to think about the rescue, in urban contexts, of dormant indigenous languages, understanding this action as a collective work of creation, which is not limited to verbal language. Discussions will be brought to light about pedagogical strategies developed in indigenous schools, the effects of the indigenous presence in universities, both in teacher training and in research, dissertations and theses, as well as dialogues with community elders, which emerge from multiethnic and multilingual coexistence . The presence of indigenous languages ​​in artistic, literary and theoretical writing and their transformative effects on the colonial language will also be addressed.








Auritha Tabajara (Guarulhos - SP)

Dario Machado Terena (Araribá Indigenous Land, Kopenoti Village, Avaí - SP) 

Awa Kuaray Werá (Filhos Desta Terra Multiethnic village, Guarulhos - SP)

Márcia Kaingang (Campinas - SP)
Moderator: Leandro Karaí Mirim (Supervisor do Núcleo de Comunicação do Museu das Culturas Indígenas - SP)

14h às 16h30 - Fourth Meeting
The point of Nhe`e – Carlos Papa e Suely Rolnik 

Carlos Papa and Suely Rolnik are invited to talk about the meaning of Nhe`e – “good words” in Guarani cosmology, or “palavralmas”, as Rolnik proposes, in dialogue with Guarani culture. The example of Nhe'e allows us to reveal that the terms of the Guarani language are embryo capsules in a potential state of germination of new meanings, in response to the demands of life and their effects on the body, responses driven by the primordial perspective of good living.




Carlos Papa (Rio Silveira Indigenous Land, Bertioga - SP)

Suely Rolnik (Center for Subjectivity Studies at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC -SP)

17h às 18h

Miitxya Fulni-ô Group (Águas Belas-PE) 

The Fulni-ô people come from Águas Belas, in the interior of Pernambuco, where there are 13 ethnic groups with around 5 thousand people. They are known for their fighting, their crafts, strong songs, dances and the sacred Ouricuri ritual, which they currently carry out in the greatest secrecy. Their mother tongue is Yaathê, an essential element for maintaining their way of life. The Miitxya Fulni-ô Group will be present presenting their traditional dance, Toré, sung in songs (cafurnas) in their mother tongue. After the presentation, the group will explain the importance of the spoken language for their culture.


Free entry with advance booking at Sympla.

May 22 | Rio de Janeiro

Banco do Brasil Cultural Center


10h - Opening

Presentation with Ailton Krenak (Krenak Indigenous Land, Resplendor - MG)

Sacred Song of Tukano culture, with Carlos Tukano (Maracanã Village, Rio de Janeiro - RJ) 


10h às 12h
Creative Word - Weaving languages: the emergence of indigenous languages

Linguistic monoculture in Brazilian colonial history is a project that aims to weaken the memory and meaning of life of original peoples, with the main focus being the dispute over land and ways of existing. Now, allowing the great diversity of languages ​​of indigenous cultures to be heard would put this project and its micropolitical strategy at risk, producing a mental, subjective and social monoculture. This risk arises from the fact that indigenous words are memory capsules of their ways of existing: memory of the politics of producing worlds in a constant process of mutation, resulting from the interaction between the various human and non-human elements that make up the ecosystem. It is precisely this interaction and the processes of creation that monoculture interrupts. A reflection is proposed on the importance of strengthening the diversity of indigenous languages ​​in Brazil, in the dispute over the country's direction.






João Ticuna (Master and PhD student in Social Anthropology at the National Museum-PPGAS/MN)

Júlia Xavante (Maracanã Village, Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

José Urutau Guajajara (Maracanã Village, Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

Altaci Kokama (General Coordination of Articulation of Indigenous Educational Policies of the Department of Indigenous Languages ​​and Memories of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples - BSB)

Moderator: Andreia Duarte (SP)

14h às 16h
Can we, in fact, change the world?


A meeting of poetic exchanges between scholarship holders and awardees from the Prince Claus Fund, bringing their experiences and contributions through their social and artistic languages.





Juan Rodrigues (Alagoinhas - BA)

Mauricio Lima - Museu dos Meninos (Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

Mbé - Luan Correia (Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

Mediator: Andreia Duarte


Location: CCBB - Banco do Brasil Cultural Center

Time: 2pm to 4pm

Free entry - Collect your ticket at the box office or via the website
Subject to crowding | Indicative rating: Free


Sao Paulo city

May 18th (Saturday): 10am to 6pm

May 19th (Sunday): 10am to 6pm

Location: Museum of Indigenous Cultures of the State of São Paulo


Rua Dona Germaine Burchard, 451 - Água Branca, São Paulo - SP, 05002-062


Rio de Janeiro city

May 22nd (Wednesday): from 10am to 4pm

Location: Banco do Brasil Cultural Center


Rua Primeiro de Março, 66 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20010-000




Ailton Krenak

Suely Rolnik

Andreia Duarte


Andreia Duarte



Grazi Vieira



Cibele Lima


Giovanna Monteiro



Mauricio Coronado



Luna Rosa Recaldes



Rafael Wera Mirim Hernandez



Juma Mascarenha



Enrique Casas



Nelson D



Thiago Carvalho



Richard Wera Mirim

Renato Mangolin


Jacob Alves


Open channel


Errante Productions



Josi Geller



José Augusto Vieira de Aquino



Guilherme Ramos



João Vicente Poças



Another Margin

Prince Claus Fund



Maracá Institute

ACAM Portinari

Museum of Indigenous Cultures

Secretariat of Culture, Economy and Creative Industry of the Government of the State of São Paulo

Banco do Brasil Cultural Center - Rio de Janeiro

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